Swim Start Time 6:14am
December 30 2020
Causeway Coast
Charity AWARE NI
Swim Distance 1.23km
At 530am, A snow shower came down as I was getting my wetsuit on. I decided to swim this morning as there was finally due to be a break in the relentless north wind we have been having for the past few days. It looks like its coming back again later this afternoon again too. The heavy north wind deposits all sorts on the beach but mostly the water is dirty so I am trying to avoid swimming in it so this mornings early window was an opportunity I wanted to take.
The last full moon of the year sat out to the west making the surface shimmery as I swam towards it. It was beautiful out there. I jogged the beach and swam back. The crazy winds over the past few days have altered the nearshore sand banks. All sorts of little currents are moving along close to shore. The water feels a bit colder too I assume all the snow melt has reached the sea. The surf was fairly small but well spaced out for the most part. Lets see what happens with this north wind later on.
Thank you for reading this far! Please if you have a few spare quid use it to help the charity AWARE NI via the link here.... https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/al-mennie

Info - I am swimming a total of 100km through the darkness, in the darkest and coldest months of the year off the North Coast of Ireland. My aim...to inspire those who may be struggling in dark times to keep going. I also aim to raise awareness and funds for the depression Charity Aware NI. We all face dark times in life at some point and it can be extremely overwhelming.
Safety - Please don't think that because I am doing this that you too should do this or something similar. I am very experienced in the sea with knowledge that is only gained through many years of exposure to the sea in all her moods. I have a safety and location system in place including continual contact with people on land every time I swim.