January 25th and 26th 2021
Causeway Coast
Charity AWARE NI
Swim Distance 1.63 and 1.40km
THANK YOU FOR CONTINUALLY SHARING AND DONATING. Donations now over the £6500 mark!
AWARE NI https://aware-ni.org/
Apologies if you have been following this blog, I haven't updated it in a day or two. I have been swimming but I have been so busy during the day I have only had time to update instagram the odd time.
I wanted to share this image which shows charts from the past two swims. They are on consecutive nights. It gives a pretty good visual representation of the conditions I'm out in. One night was pounding surf with big currents and the next night the calmest night in the past 30km. It is proving extremely difficult to capture this in any other way. To film or photograph requires lights because it is so dark but then that's not the reality of what I'm swimming in! I don't use lights at all except to mark me on my back for spotters to keep an eye.
Please if you are reading these blogs, use what I am doing to stay motivated. Keep active, get outdoors if you can and if you cant open a window. The outdoors and exercise are great distractions from the world we are living through at the minute.
Remember to look at yourself and those around you for signs that may be of concern. Here is a link to some of the things to look out for on the aware website....

Info - I am swimming a total of 100km through the darkness, in the darkest and coldest months of the year off the North Coast of Ireland. My aim...to inspire those who may be struggling in dark times to keep going. I also aim to raise awareness and funds for the depression Charity Aware NI. We all face dark times in life at some point and it can be extremely overwhelming.
Safety - Please don't think that because I am doing this that you too should do this or something similar. I am very experienced in the sea with knowledge that is only gained through many years of exposure to the sea in all her moods. I have a safety and location system in place including continual contact with people on land every time I swim.